Oak Road, Bedford, Bedfordshire, MK42 0HH

01234 220 480

King's Oak Primary School, Oak Road, Bedford, MK42 0HH Tel: 01234 220480 Email: enquiries@kingsoakprimary.co.uk

'Mighty Oaks from Little Acorns Grow'



Requesting term time leave

Children should attend school regularly and we encourage parents not to remove children from school for any reason. If exceptional circumstances require you to request term time leave for your child, you must do so in advance and by completing the form below or a copy can obtain from the office.

 Leave of Absence Form


Administering medication at school  

If your child requires prescription medication to be given during the school day, you will need to complete the form below and return it to school with the medication, or call at the office.  All medication must have the child's details and dosage clearly marked and be prescribed by a doctor.

Medication in school


Useful forms

 Cool Milk- online letter.docxDownload
 Free School Meal Application Feb 2016.pdfDownload
 School Uniform Order Form.docxDownload
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Useful Information

 Insurance statement to parents.pdfDownload
 Travel Leaflet.pdfDownload
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